physical environment

Enviromental Awareness is Key to Optimal Living

In the last article, we learned about some accessible methods to healthy living, as recommended by Dr. Rhea Mehta, Molecular Toxicologist, integrative nutrition advisor, and leader in health advocacy. In this article, we will see how the physical environment introduces toxins that affect how we live and what you can do to minimize this effect

There are inflammatory triggers in our daily physical environment that most of us don’t think about. These include products used for beauty care (eg. makeup, creams, shampoo, perfume), cleaning products (eg. dish soap, detergent, all-purpose cleaners)  all of which can get absorbed into our body through our skin, lungs, and digestive tracts. Common products used in the home like candles, nail polish and incense can also introduce toxins into your inner environment.  

There are so many other products and practices that carry toxins into our bodies that Rhea helps her clients identify and remove. She shares some replacement ideas below.

Simple Swaps to Keep our Physical Environment Clean

Here are some simple + impactful strategies you can implement at home right away to live better:

  • Breathe in fresh air: Most of us breathe in recycled air at home. Consider always keeping a bit of fresh air flowing through your home, and especially overnight when you’re sleeping.
  • Swap your all-purpose cleaning product with a DIY recipe made from vinegar and lemon, or purchase non-toxic cleaning and beauty products, specifically for dish cleaning, laundry and body care – as these chemicals can easily accumulate in the body when used overtime
  • Invest in air purifiers, essential oil diffusers, air-cleaning plants, and water filters: These shifts can make a huge difference in your health and happiness., especially for people who are more health-vulnerable, like children, elderly, and those living with a chronic illness. Rhea also recommends these product additions for those living with recurring health issues like migraines, skin irritations, or allergies, or for those who are focussed on health optimization

In the next and final article of this series, we will see what the future, according to Dr. Rhea Mehta, holds and how big data will begin to affect the way we live.

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